Nano Enhanced Backpacks

Nano enhanced backpack

Available from 20-100 grams

Animals that weigh at least 500 grams

Use the best form factor – Low, narrow and short small GPS Implants

    Your most appropriate GPS – We create your custom device Species-specific

  • specific information welcomed – Your GPS transmitter fits your needs


More battery life – Also improve GPS success rate

  • Use this free feature – Smart GPS is easy, we will show you how
  • You can change GPS schedule remotely – Find animal and just change schedule


Make a wise financial choice – Reuse

  • Your GPS transmitter is designed for multiple uses – Factory refurbishment available
  • Use your own talent and save – Choose to refurbish yourself with tutorial video

Small GPS Implant expertise and client support – We are here for you

  • You have us when you need us – Customer support available 365
  • Feel secure in your purchase – Herp GPS transmitter references available


Save your time – Easier GPS Data Collection

  • Multiple data collection options – Use download net, drone or mobile base stations
  • Get as close as you can – New long-range data transfer


You are in the driver’s seat – Myriad set up choices included

  • Schedule GPS in almost any way imaginable – User creates GPS schedules
  • You decide level of GPS precision -Use our simple GPS Additional Time feature

GPS Implants – Configured your way, including sensors you want

While we design the electronics, we are not wildlife biologists.  You are in the driver’s seat. Your GPS implants can not only be physically configured as you wish but also equipped with sensors you want.  Consequently, you will have the GPS implants that fit your specific needs. Especially relevant is that we respond you your needs. Our products include sensors and those sensors be turned on and off based on your project needs. Finally, we want you to know that all you have to do is to ask us for what you want.

For more information please send a request using our Contact form

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